Selected Drawings, Prints & Paintings 2017-2020
This series is inspired by the landscape where I grew up in the Pacific Northwest. The work focuses on the woods and shoreline of the San Juan Islands and the Olympic Peninsula.

Trees at Beach 4
watercolor monotype, 22.5” x 29.5”
Humphrey Head
conte on duralar, 24” x 36”

Evening Light - Humphrey Head
watercolor monotype, 16” x 24”
watercolor monotype, 16” x 24”
conte on duralar, 23” x 36”
Tree Near Second Beach
monotype & watercolor, 15.75” x 23.75”
Trees Near Beach Four
watercolor monotype, 21.5” x 26”
Branches / Humphrey Head
watercolor monotype, 15.5” x 18.25”
Trees Near Shark Reef
watercolor on denril, 22” x 34”
Lopez Woods
watercolor on denril, 22” x 33”
Lake Quinalt Deadfall
watercolor on denril, 24” x 36”
Evening Light / Humphrey Head
conte on duralar, 23.75” x 38”
Woods Near Upright Channel
conte on duralar, 22” x 33”
Roots; Hoh Rainforest
conte on duralar, 12.5” x 17.5'“
Second Beach Woods
monotype, 16” x 23.5”

Tree Near Iceberg Point II
monotype, 16” x 23.5”
Sea Stacks / Second Beach
monotype and charcoal, 11” x 15”

Woods; Lopez Island
conte on duralar, 18.5" x 25"

Fallen Trees
conte on duralar, 12.5" x 18"

Woods in Motion
conte on duralar, 18" x 25"

conte on duralar, 12.5” x 16”

conte on duralar, 15" x 30"

Passing #2
conte on duralar, 15" x 25"

conte on duralar, 11" x 21.75"

Rocks & Water; Iceberg Point
conte on duralar, 12.5" x 18"

Water's Edge; Lopez Island
conte on duralar, 12.5" x 18

Iceberg Point; Lopez Island
acrylic on paper, 20” x 30”

Rocks & Water
gouache on paper, 10” x 14”

Iceberg Point
gouache and acrylic on paper, 9” x 12”

Woods Near Upright Channel
gouache on paper, 11” x 16”

gouache on paper, 11” x 16”

gouache on paper, 11” x 16”

Morning Fog
gouache on paper, 11” x 15”

conte on duralar, 7.75" x 15"

Ocean #2
acrylic on paper, 20" x 30"

Northwest Coast
acrylic on paper, 20" x 29.5"

Ocean #1
acrylic on paper, 20" x 29.75"

Northwest Coast #2
acrylic on paper, 20" x 30"